
What is ‘coherence’?

Coherence comes from the Latin world meaning ‘stick together.

“Coherence – The situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way.” Cambridge Dictionary 

Great examples in nature of coherence are when a shoal of fish or a murmuration of birds, or a migration of birds where they are all moving together as one – in other words they stick together.

Nature left to its own devices will come back into balance and coherence given time even after cataclysmic events such as the huge bush fires Australia and California have experienced this year.

On a personal level coherence can be seen in every cell of our bodies as they are all connected in some shape of form.  Our lives are also interconnected with our bodies and others around us.  When every aspect is working harmoniously, we are in balance with optimal health. Our relationships are peaceful and harmonious. We are in ‘coherence’. But due to the pressures of modern life it is becoming rarer and rarer to be in coherence and flow.

Our bodies given the right environment physically and mentally, good nutrition and rest can also heal and comeback to balance and coherence from serious illness, or traumatic event.

Heart Coherence

A good way to support our bodies and our planet is practising heart coherence

At school many of us were taught that it’s the brain that controls the body, when in reality our heart and our guts send more signals to the brain than vice versa.

Research has shown that our “heart signals have a significant effect on brain function—influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving. In other words, not only does the heart respond to the brain, but the brain continuously responds to the heart.”

When we are stressed, anxious or are experiencing an emotion as negative our heart rhythm becomes erratic and as it communicates with the brain, it inhibits cognitive function. This  leads to lack of clarity, focus and inability to make clear and effective decisions, which can result in impulsive or inappropriate decisions.  In contrast when the brain and heart are in coherence we have clarity, focus and flow. Intelligence and learning expands and intuition is readily available.

Coherence Practice

To come into heart coherence takes practice, but is well worth mastering.

  • Sit quietly and breath slowly, deeply and evenly with the focus on breathing into your heart.
  • Find a rhythm which is comfortable and sustainable.
  • Allow thoughts of love and gratitude.
  • You may just want to focus on an image of a loved one or pet. 
  • Continue for at least 5 minutes.
  • Then be aware of how you feel after?

If you experience calm and peaceful once you have practiced this a few times, you know that you have come into heart coherence. If you take a pause and check into your body and feel stressed, overwhelmed, fear, frustration etc you are most likely not in heart coherence. Repeat the practice frequently throughout your day and notice the shift. 

Your health, mental clarity will benefit and those around you will be grateful as they will also feel the love and peace emanating from you.   

Global Coherence

As the electromagnetic energy of our heart is so strong, way stronger than our brains, it effects those around us. It is this energy that connects us to another, and can also influence the emotions of those around us. Coherence occurs when we are all focusing on the same thing as in prayer, or are in harmony with the earths natural magnetic energy – the Schumann Resonance. 

Right now there is a lot of negativity and fear spread by the media and governments.
When we come into coherence and focus on love, peace and compassion it has a positive effect on those around us and the collective intention for a world where we can all be free and thrive. The more of us that can hold this energy the better our world will become.

The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused love and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to compassionate care, cooperation and increasing peace.

Want to learn more about ‘coherence’? 
Come and join us in Wholyland where together we can co-create freedom, personal and spiritual growth, plus the world we want for ours and our childrens future. 

Also listen to the Live the Impossible Show episode Back to Coherence with Beate Heinkel


Enjoy in joy
Pam Lob on behalf of 
Wholyland Council