The power of the Goddess rests in the land and the source of all life must be respected.

Respect between the goddess and gods, and the queen and king. 

Between the land and the people, between nature and culture, between feminine and masculine – then all is in harmony and life is filled with abundance, but when the contract is broken the fertile becomes barren.

Respect for the goddess brought fertile land and women were the guardians of the Natural world, the heart of the land.

Celtic creation stories tell us that the land was shaped by women.

The Language of the Goddess

The Goddess is the most potent and persistent feature in the archaeological records of the ancient world. She was a symbol of the unity of life in nature, and the personification of all that was sacred and mysterious on earth.

Woven into the fabric of Her-Story is the ancient world of Goddess-worshipping.  Evidence found in earth-centred cultures has recorded through the art of mythology, linguistics, ethnography and folklore demonstrated conclusively that Goddess-worship is at the root of Western civilization…,

A ‘pictorial script’ identified as a representation of the prehistoric Goddess religion clearly takes these ancient cultures from the realm of speculation into that of documented fact.

Artefacts belonging to the Goddess culture have been identified through sculptures, figurines, temple models, frescos, vases, and sacrificial containers.  The interpretation of images and symbols, have presented us with a basic worldview of the healing aspect woven within Her-Story and the ancient Goddess culture. Identified through the art of symbolic language, the patriarchal narrative has remained visible in our civilisation within the journey of Her-Story.  A long suppressed portion of Her-Story identifies the myths and lore through the eyes of a patriarchal initiative in European heritage…


The Feminine Art of Riding the Wave

Maids on the Wave by Wallace Mackay 1874

Maids on the Wave by Wallace Mackay 1874

The art of riding waves remains entwined amongst the mythical roots of Gods and Goddesses, and the Kings and Queens of Polynesian culture.

Surfing has long been part of the Hawaiian culture going back to pre-contact and was then considered a sport for everyone; mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters & warriors. After pre-contact European colonisation effectively altered the feminine nature of the sport entirely, and the Feminine art of riding waves with its healing ability almost disappeared entirely. 

Today it is easily identified as a male sport, however it was in fact women who were first acknowledge for their skill, and for their ease and grace in the art of surfing within Her-Story.

Woven deep into the chants and lore of Her-story lie the roots of the women who long ago were revered above all others in the art of riding the waves.

According to Myth Pele Goddess of the volcanoes was referenced as one of the earliest wave riders along with her sister Hi’iaka Goddess of chants and medicine.   The magical healing abilities of surfing in ancient times were believed by the Gods and Goddesses to have the ability to revive the human spirit.  Hawaiian myth and lore believe when man and women ride a wave together magic is created which then plays an important role in romance, ceremony and spiritual growth.  


The Goddess and the Computer

What seeks to be understood is the temple of the Goddess and her relationship to the healing water systems within nature and part of Her-Story.  The magical islands of Bali tell a story of an ancient Balinese water irrigation system, a system which with the help of the Goddess and her healing art of water systems has affectively produced rice for over a thousand years.  Water systems that have been managed and maneuvered by a network of self-organizing water temples, designed to follow a traditional method of cultivation and order without the need for harmful pesticides or fertilizers.

Rice Terraces

The irrigation system is based on the belief that all water is a gift from the Goddess of the Crater Lake and must be shared with no distinction between the practical and religious aspects of water management.  In the name of the Goddess, the temple priests possess the power to settle disputes over water rights and grant or deny permission for a village to construct new irrigation channels.  What we see is a chain of water temples which form a connected pattern of social structure and terrace management, where the co-ordination and co-operation of the feminine flow of water is essential in healing the land by maintaining a perfect balance of order and harmony.  These temples also serve to represent the prayers and offerings dedicated by the farmers and priests to the Goddess of the Lake, Dewi Danu.

Environmental damage caused by the Governments patriarchal interference with the functioning of Bali’s ancient and traditional irrigation networks caused an in-balance of the feminine flow.  In 1970 the Balinese Government introduced the “Green Revolution” in their efforts to increase farming production and develop new strains of rice in order to feed the growing population of Asia.  However altering the ancient way of the Goddess temple water systems affected the healing process of the land, which resulted in “miracle rice” produced “miracle pests” and the expected increase in yields led to an unexpected collapse of rice production.

 Computer simulation program

The answer was to develop a computer simulation program, with the focus on a computer model designed to demonstrate the ecological basis of the water temple system using hydraulics on the ecological systems of rice ponds which are by nature miniature aquatic live interactive ecosystems producing abundant energy for plants and growth.  Inappropriate patriarchal developments threatened the balance of order and harmony within the Her-Story of the Goddess and the ancient system of sacred rituals, beliefs and social order.

A computer model shows how the flow of water is alternated allowing for crop patterning and seasonal harvesting, this also produces such benefits as the circulation and preservation of important nutrients in the soil, thus, utilizing natural pest control methods by driving ducks through the rice fields enabling them to eat and contain all pests and insects.  Therefore, reclaiming the ritual based Goddess temple system as a responsible system designed to organize the daily activities, farming schedules and religious ceremonies was a crucial part of Her-Story.  Water flow is demonstrated by its dual nature: the flow of irrigation creates the hydro-logic dependency of farming while the flow of holy water creates the social dependency of ritual and culture.

The Goddess and the Computer demonstrates that the Balinese rice farmers have been practicing state-of-the-art resource management since ancient times, while still maintaining their beliefs and offerings to the Goddess.  The island’s ancient rituals show us how they serve to co-ordinate the irrigation and planting schedules of hundreds of scattered villages.  In addition, the new computer model clearly suggests the result is one of the most stable and efficient farming systems on the planet.

The threat to the island’s water ecology posed by modern patriarchal development projects has been acknowledged and the balance and harmony of Her-Story has now been reclaimed and restored through a partnership program with the computer to the Temple of the Lake Goddess. Demonstrating that the interactive program is written in both the Indonesian and English language, thus making it accessible to the Balinese farmers and temple priests for whom it was designed providing a chance to explore the consequences of changes in their irrigation systems.  The priests acknowledge the significance of their role in managing the ancient Goddess healing water temples.


Goddesses in Her-Story and their Archetypes

montage of goddesses

Pattern by Corinna Renn

Reclaiming the Goddess of Resistance – Lilith

There is, perhaps, no more powerful archetype of female resistance than the Goddess of Her-Story Lilith. As women across the globe rise up against the patriarchy, The Goddess Lilith stands beside them, misogyny’s original challenger.  Within Her-Story Lilith represents the voice and visibility of defiance, liberation, anger and joy, she reclaims the goodness of women bold enough to hold tight to their essence. Through the feminine art of poetry, prose, incantation, prayer and imagery, women from all walks of life join with the Goddess Lilith in the revolutionary act of claiming their place, of reclaiming themselves.

Lilith encourages women to dig deep into their souls to liberate the questions that have been locked away in the Her-Story time capsules.  The myths and legends that form part of this Goddess’s archetype, tells a tale of a warrior like resistance as she traverses the timelines of history to unearth the sacred sites that have been violently gentrified by western patriarchy. We must find the divine truth that cannot be claimed, contained or tamed. What better place to start than at the beginning with Lilith, considered by some to be the world’s first woman in Her-Story.

As Her-Story unfolds reclaiming the Goddess Lilith seems essential to life as we know it now.  She embodies all the virtues of the Divine Feminine, as she walks the path of compassion, she is the driving force in Her-Story of personal sovereignty, the creator of self-determination, the fighter for equality, and the absolute reclaimer of female erotic power.  The Goddess Lilith stands in her truth as the driving force of the soul, not only for women, but for all of humankind…

Liliths roots reach into ancient Mesopotamia dating back to 2300BCE.  She was a Sumerian Goddess called the Divine Lady.  She was honoured as the assertive and sexually self-possessed wild spirit of the night.   Her-Story has been stripped of her divinity and become a demonic image to be cast out.  The Goddess Lilith was greatly feared into the Middle Ages; many stories and names have pursued her throughout the hijacking of Her-Story.

Liliths story is very simple, she refused to be mistreated by man or god.  so did what any self-respecting woman would do.  The Goddess of Her-Story said, ‘Enough is Enough’ , and she left.

Women who rise from the underworld Innana

The Goddess Inanna, is usually envisioned as the descending Goddess and her time spent in the Underworld.  However while the Underworld, or the “shadow” is vital, Inanna is there to remind us what is equally important to remember as we ascend, what part in our lives the darkness, the void, or the long dark tunnel often plays out within us.

Within the history of Her-Story it would appear we have descended our entire lives for the most part, and only resurfacing for brief moments of respite. Patriarchy pushes us down repeatedly, and sometimes it has been easier to just stay there.

The Goddess Innana’s ascent in Her-Story encourages women to examine how the Divine Feminine can rise from the underworld and reclaim her power.   Innana is known for her creativity in the arts and the healing of Her-Story.

Reclaiming the Gifted Women’s SpiritualityMedusa

The Goddess Medusa reminds us of our mortality as the Great Awakener in Her-Story, she encourages us to reclaim our voice and visibility and the Ancient Wisdom that has been silenced within which leads us our true inheritance.  She challenges women to have the courage to speak what is true, to trust ourselves to hold her gaze and know we will not be turned to stone.

Medusa encourages women to reclaim the Gifted Women’s Spirituality, as poets, artists, healers and scholars.  History has not been kind in the portrayal of the Goddess Medusa in Her-Story she wields her powers, to both protect and heal and to destroy.  Medusa’s has demonstrated an angry fierceness that opposes social oppression and violations of the matristic values of community, cooperation, and caring. 


The magical essence of the Goddess Medusa unfolds the original vision of the female divine, her portrayal as a rebel underestimates her power.  Within the history of Her-Story the symbol of Medusa is known to embody Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality. Together with women, Medusa rides the waves in the intergalactic journey of the Great Goddess and is not a Goddess monster to be slain by a patriarchal hero, but the face of the Earth and of wisdom.

Her-Story riding on the Wings of – Isis

Within the literature of the ages, women have lived, fought and died for their equality, independence and sovereignty.  Originally known as Auset, the Egyptian Goddess Isis is no stranger to such a path as she walks within the timeline of Her-Story.

The Goddess Isis leads women on their journey and shows them how to soar on wings of womaness toward autonomy.  In Her-Story she encourages women to unfurl their divine feminine attributes by spreading their wings and standing in their truth and strength.  Within the history of Her-Story Isis has embodied the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names to celebrate their authentic selves.


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Enjoy within joy

Karen Thornton / Author

On behalf of the Wholyland Council