
Here at Wholyland and Live the Impossible Show we believe in being able to speak our truth from our heart and the freedom of speech.  And to allow people to have the information so they can make informed decisions about their health and their lives on what is right for themselves and their families.

What we have seen for the last 18 months is greater and greater censorship.  Due to this we very early on decided to post the Live the Impossible Show on Bitchute so that we could be free to speak with our guests without constantly having to watch what we were saying.  By some miracle despite interviewing several guests who have been banned on the major social media channels we have kept our accounts open. However we are very aware that we are being shadow banned on Facebook.  The number of people being able to see our posts keeps diminishing though our reach is constantly increasing.  This week we are in the charts in Malaysia for the first time.

The mainstream media and social media are being paid for by the pharmaceutical industry and/or are in co hoots with the government/deep state.  Therefore you are only being told or shown things that fit into their narrow agenda.  The views of many elite scientists and doctors have been surpressed and silenced.  Have you noticed even though we are in a so called pandemic there is no information on natural health, or proactive ways to boost your immune system.  These types are posts are removed.  It is becoming more and more obvious that they do not care about the health of the population. They are only concerned with money, power and completing there agenda of a one world order and control of the masses.

This week Donald Trump has hit back bringing a major class action lawsuite against Facebook, Twitter, Goggle and their CEO’s and to halt censorship against the American people and people around the world.  It’s expected to be the largest class action ever.

Live the Impossible Show

Another great week on Live the Impossible Show.  This week we are in the Malaysian Charts.  Thank you to all our listeners who keep us growing our reach.

This week we chatted with the amazing Dr Christiane Northrup, one of the many doctors who have been censored.  She is a visionary pioneer in women’s health, author of Womens Bodies Womens Wisdom and advocate for those dealing with vaccine injuries. We chat about the Covid vaccines, the shedding, magnetism and why are people brain washed.

Next week we chat with William Toel, a speaker and author with experitize in politics, economics and a positive vision for Germany on the unknown story of part of Bletchley Park a top secret intelligence unit in the UK during WWII aimed at destroying the German psyche forever.

Please keep sharing to bring our work to even more people on this beautiful planet, as we want for us all to have access to what Gaia has to offer us.
Here is the link for the Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/live-the-impossible-show/id150595357

Last Weeks Guest on Live the Impossible Show

Magnetism, Shedding and Connection with Christiane Northrup M.D a pioneer in women’s health and anti vaccine advocate. We chat about the strange goings on with the graphite particles in all things Covid. The great work some of her colleagues are doing to bring awareness of the true science. Is it dangerous to be around those vaccinated? How can we be safe around those who are shedding? How and why are people brain washed? What does the future bring and what is the best we can do? What are we not seeing, or don’t want to see?

Apple: https://ecs.page.link/5ST5N

Watch or listen at: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/170

Watch on Bitchute:https://ecs.page.link/N9D5J


Please go and enjoy on
Apple podcast 
on our website

For more information on the hosts episodes, links to show notes and other resources go to …

Wishing you love, peace and health in 2021

To the future and beyond

Your hosts Tora Zophia, Pam and Oliver
and the Wholyland Council.