Weekly update 11 July 2021

Weekly update 11 July 2021

Censoring Here at Wholyland and Live the Impossible Show we believe in being able to speak our truth from our heart and the freedom of speech.  And to allow people to have the information so they can make informed decisions about their health and their lives on what...
Weekly update 4th July 2021

Weekly update 4th July 2021

Freedom and Independence Today is the celebration in the United States of America of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, to free themselves from the tyranny and control of the British King. The declaration states: The unanimous Declaration...
Energy Forecast June/July 2021

Energy Forecast June/July 2021

The Tsunami is Upon Us Back in March I wrote: We enter a new level of crazy that most of us have never seen before in our lifetime. We reach a peak or a tipping point that will affect the future forever. Tuning into this new moon cycle and the next few moons up to the...