Do you question?

 For those of us who are parents we have all at sometime had to deal with our kids frequently asked question of “Why?”.  How often as an adult do you ask “Why?”.  Quite likely not very often, the school system, response from asking this question as a child having a negative response, along with the brain washing of TV, news and social media has reduced the amount of curiosity in a large proportion of the population.

We at Wholyland are always curious and asking questions.  We take nothing for granted having learnt that the majority of what we are told right now and what we have learnt in the past is often not correct.  There are grains of truth, but these have been padded out with false information.  We know its important to keep asking questions to discover what is true right now.  We are aware this truth may change as more information and looking from other perspectives occurs.

Follow the Money?

As the plandemic continues the rich get richer and everyone else poorer in all respects. Not just poorer in monetarty terms but also in terms of freedom and health.

Did you know the top 600 people in the world have more money than the rest of us put together? 

There is a lot of truth in the statement ” follow the money”.  This has certainly been true throughout history or certainly in the epoch.

Time for Change

There is no shortage of money or even food in this world its a distription issue.  It’s time to stop living from a place of lack and to come together with like minded people who are ready to role up their sleeves and co-create a world where everyone and everything can thrive.  A world where everyone has access to clean water, sanitation, health care and not just sick care and has plenty of healthy food to eat.  With these in place everyone can then focus on their genius and improve their environment and come up with inovative ways to protect the environment.

Do you ask questions?
Do you want to make this world a place we can all thrive?
Do you believe in honestty, truth and integrity?

If yes come and join us in Wholyand we would love to have you with us

Want to know more about how to be free, sovereign and to live a wholistic life?

Live the Impossible Show

Another great week on Live the Impossible Show. 

 This week we chat with kenneth scott (AKA Ken Cousens) co-founder of  PanTerra D’Oro on The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix.  It’s time to understand the law.  Everyone who has listened so far has gained a lot of useful information from this conversation.  This week we spoke with Ken again and went even deeper into what is happening and what we can do about it. This follow up episode will air in a couple of weeks.

 Next week we chat with Mikael Säflund on a Quantum Leap to a Better Future


Please keep sharing to bring our work to even more people on this beautiful planet, as we want for us all to have access to what Gaia has to offer us.
Here is the link for the Apple Podcast:

Last Weeks Guests on Live the Impossible Show

The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix with Kenneth Scott (AKA Ken Cousens) co-founder of PanTerra D’Oro. A Private Society and Private Contract Association. A deep and meaningful conversation into the various types of laws, tricks and traps of the mainstream approach to sovereignty. He describes the parasitic nature and mirroring of the controlling part of the matrix.
What is the esoteric view on commerce? What is your strawman and how does it relate to usufruct? Are you a mariner, a merchant or property? What is UCC and where does it come from? How can you rescind contracts and signatures?


Watch or listen at:

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Please go and enjoy on
Apple podcast 
on our website

For more information on the hosts episodes, links to show notes and other resources go to …

Art of Contemplation

The art of contemplation is a vital part of the journey to Wholeness.

Contemplation helps you to find deep calm in life, enabling you to solve any problem or challenge that you are currently facing. It improves health and relationships,in time bringing prosperity to every corner of your life. Above all, contemplation opens the heart and taps into the source of all human wisdom.

Contemplation is also easy and pleasurable to learn, and has an instant effect on your life. In an unstable world, contemplation is one of the very few things that brings deep stability. This elegant and simple online course shows you how to bring the magic of contemplation into every corner of your life, resulting in a deep sense of spaciousness, calmand clarity that is so rare in our modern world. Consisting of Richard Rudd’s beautiful book The Art of Contemplation, this course offers both audio and text, with practical guides and exercises to help you learn how to bring the power of contemplation into your everyday life. It’s simple, inspiring and applicable to anyone and in any situation.

How much is it? $35

Wishing you love, peace and health in 2021

To the future and beyond

Your hosts Tora Zophia, Pam and Oliver
and the Wholyland Council.