
The history we are taught is very heavily masculine biased and we want to broaden and balance our perspectives and also examine Her-stroy. We have entered a new age where the polarity energies of the masculine and feminine are uniting. We want to chat about traditions and what needs to change for them to unite and the new earth to thrive. In this months theme we focus on her-story.

On Live the Impossible Show we have examind Her-story from the perspective of men.

A group of us discuss history and how its biases.

“As all human beings are ruled by their emotions, opinions, and political and religious affiliations, subsequently all history is comprised of as much opinion as fact and, in many cases, has been entirely fabricated for the furthering of the author’s personal ambitions or secret agenda.” Kathleen McGowan

Body Perspective

Pam and Beate take a look at vaccinations. How we both initially came from the medical paradigm and how over time this has shifted . We discuss how we ignored our intuition and what a challenge it is to really shift a believe as strong as a collective medical paradigm.


Mind Perspective

Ullis and Karen spoke about the differences between the conscious Feminine and the conscious Masculine, and how the divine feminine consciousness manifests and co-creates throughout Her-story in a very different way to the Male. There is a need to re-align our conscious connection and create a natural flow between the divine feminine and the masculine energy, this can be achieved through Spiritual growth.

Emotion Perspective

Beate and Karen talk about SHE who give life and the power of pregnancy and both portals to all life

Heart Perspective

The heart is the barometer of our soul. Where has it been hiding in plain sight and how is it massively re-emerging within our conscious connection to the earth and each other?

Divine Perspective

Pam and Oliver chat about divinity and religion over the centuries and how the female story is often missing. We talk about Mary Magdalene and the patriarchy of religion and how it is based on control narratives. How can we embrace the female story intuitively and practically to come within and connect to our own divinity today?

Nature Perspective

Beate and Henrik reflect on how the male and female perspectives on nature can unfold into a co-creation and about our humility towards the nature-miracle of planet Gaia, that we are part of.

Vibration Perspective

Karen and Tora talk about how the divine feminine has been designed as the portal which all life has to pass through. We chat about the vibrations of everything through sound, we look at oracles through her-story, and gifts of the feminine.

Grid Perspective

Tora and Pam chat about the energies and civilisations of the past including Lemuria and Atlantis. Tora shares the visions she has had of how life was in Lemuria. We chat about the synchronicities of numbers in many aspects including the relationship of the size of one of the main pyramids in Egypt exactly corresponding to the dimensions of the earth

Space Perspective

Pam and Tora chat about our physical spaces and what makes a space feel more masculine and feminine and the importance of having an environment that nurtures us.

Time Perspective

Beate and Oliver talk about what are more natural rhythms to life? How did it came to be moon themes in Wholyland?

Word Perspective

Karen and Oliver share how words have been used to create divide, manipulate and control in order to take energy from others. The sacred feminine communicates with words of wisdom, co-creation and balance.

Finance and Business Perspective

Karen and Oliver discuss how can the sacred Feminine create free flow in financial exchange with value on the  natural and heart centered aspects of life.

AI and Technology Perspective

Ullis and Karen discussed the intent and misuse of Artificial Technology throughout History. How the divine feminine consciousness merged with and used technology and earth systems within nature in ancient times, and how ancient sites today perhaps hold the keys for our wellness.