Word Perspective

Quantum Grammar, How to be Sovereign & Power of words

096 Hidden Secrets to Freedom Revealed W. :Henrik-Kromann: Jensen.

On todays Live the Impossible Show our minds are blown by how we have been hood winked for centuries and our sovereign liberties hidden from us. Henrik shares his discoveries and knowledge on how our language has been distorted, original meaning lost and how by using Quantum grammar we can reclaim our freedom. He reveals secrets and shares tips on how to claim your freedom and sovereignty. 

107 How to Stand Beyond the State for 13+ years? w. “Private Per”

Our undercover guest ‘Per’, has been on the Sovereign journey for 13+ years. Here, for the first time ‘Per’ agrees to share his experiences publicly on the condition of anonymity. Get his tips and tricks on how to lawfully deal with the state, doctors, police, court systems, the tax man and ALL the letters in your mailbox. How can you say no to the smart meter in a smart way? How can you reply to questions from ‘authorities’? And why are governments fraudulent? This is your ticket to freedom – if you apply the knowledge…

114: Beat the System on its Own Terms w. Cal Washington

From construction worker and a divorce to learning about sovereignty, freedom, law, corporations and beating the system on its own terms Cal Washington is changing the world for the better. He has learnt the rules of the system and is playing them better than they are. Cal shares his amazing story and gives tips on what to do to stop things such as smart meter installations. How do we let go of the fear and stand in our power? What type of letters will make the system leave you alone?