Space Perspective

Multidimentional, Cosmic Reality & Channelings

033 What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities?

​What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities and how can you navigate them?  We quantum leap and lead into different dimensions and explore 3D, 5D, 7D and the different grids and their characteristics. We look at what it is to be human in all of this and how to shift dimensions with all the paradoxes of its simplicity and complexity. Do you have brain ache yet?   

108 We already made it. Whats next? w. Lorie Ladd

Ascension teacher and multidimensional channel Lorie Ladd, shares the powerful message: We already made the big shift. Now the questions are: Why don’t we see it? Why is the world in extremes? Where are we heading? How will the new be embodied? Close your eyes and tune in to receive the energetic transmissions and transformations in this epic episode.

020 A Multidimensional Reality for a better Future w. Christian Pankhurst

​In this multidimensional wide ranging episode Susana and Pam chat with Christian Pankhurst founder of the Heart IQ™ Method, on everything from life and death to every facet in between. Christian shares the benefits of the Heart IQ™ Method and a synergetic community in facing fear and uncertainty and his vision for the future. The conversation jumps time lines into multi galactic downloads and extraterrestrial experiences. We quantum leap into dysfunctional actions and the prison community and how a different approach could transform the whole world.  


125 The most powerful creators – 2021 and beyond! w. Brad Johnson & Adronis

We are the most powerful creators! Adronis channelled by Brad Johnson speak about the future and the point of no return. Both of them share where we are in 2020, the magnitude of December 21st  and what is to come in 2021 and beyond. They emphasise the importance of coming within and recognising how powerful we are, or go down with the ship! How can we create the impossible? What will the future look like? What part does government play? What can I do to assist?