Wholy Council Round

Welcome to the Wholyland Council 

We came together as old friends who have a desire to connect with like minded people.

We’ve co-created a movement where together we can step up and take back our power so we can live the life we came here to live – as the unique geniuses we are.

If we want a different future – we have to change and let go of the old ways of doing things. We live in a new time which means we need new ways of doing and being. We don’t need anyone to show us the way as we are the experts in our own lives.

What we can do, is to be inspired and open to hearing how other people live and think. We can then use the perspectives and ideas which resonate with us and take actions from there to create our own dream lives. There are no right or wrong ways. We choose our reality. Hence, we have the responsibility to change what we do not want in our lives.

Our vision

Is to co-create a new conscious reality, where we remove the veils so we all can live our lives to its highest potential – a Meaningful, Holistic and Passionate life – making a difference in the world by being the unique genius´ we are. A life many would call impossible.

Our mission

Is to co-create a Legendary Movement of Free and Passionate Leaders who Unleash their Unique Genius and live a Conscious and Empowered Life to reactivate a Thriving World.

This is why we co-created Wholyland.

We want to be FREE, EMPOWERED and WHOLE by embodying all aspects of our unique self and essence. We are all leaders of our own lives. The time has come to step up and own our genius in leaderhood!



About Us 

Susanna Silverhoj

Susanna is a Multi-passionate Life Designer; Visionary, Futurist, Intuitive Energy Seer & Oracle, Transformational Author & Speaker, Energy Master & Mentor.

​Her mission is to raise the level of Consciousness & Love on our planet through Transformations, Reactivations and Unleashing of our Unique Genius & Superpowers hiding within us all. She is also a huge Nerd, who loves to dive deep into scientific research, quantum fields, galactic realities and meaning of life. For her, life is about Freedom which comes from Bending Reality to a Dream Life others believe is Impossible.

​Susanna creates Global Tailored bootcamps, workshops, retreats, and events, mentoring, guiding, teaching and reactivating unique genius codes online and live.  All around Energy Mastery, Life Design, Life Intelligence Education, and Divine Feminine Leadership.

She is the author of Flow Food & Goodness, Grace and Great Thoughts on Fire and co-author of From Money with Love, No Mistakes, Time to Rise, Famna Feminint Ledarskap and Holy F*ck & Sacred Water.

With two master degrees – one in psychology and one in education with professional orientation (leadership) from Sweden – she has a solid academic background. Her career includes being an associate professor at Nutrition and Health in Denmark, a hotel manager in Costa Rica, actress in New York, Heart IQ coach, high-performance and Art of Feminine Presence teacher, and superhero.

Pam Lob

Pam is a sassy woman who turned her life upside down as she created a life she wanted to live – and a healthy body to go with it!
After years of battling her own health issues, Pam had to face the death of her husband. It would have been easy to give up and hide, but she didn’t! Pam is now more passionate than ever!

Pam is  author of the Amazon Bestseller Beyond Hot and Crazy-A Radical Guide to Living Well with Menopause, and is an inspirational speaker appearing on stage and radio in the UK, USA, and Australia.
Pam has a myriad of health qualifications and years of personal development, including Art of Feminine Presence.  She is not your usual health practitioner.  Pam is a healer, health educator, and joy bringer.

Pam supports and inspires women struggling with health issues, menopause, weight problems, stress, and anxiety who want to feel healthy, joyful, energised, and fulfilled.

Pam’s mission is to share her unique combination of strategies and secrets so that every woman can have the same opportunities she had to get better, in every sense of the word.

Oliver Silverhoj

Graduating in Engineering in 1992 was a wake up call where Oliver realized he could not pursue a regular career and be satisfied. He asked himself what his childhood dreams were and began to explore and pursue them all.

​Since 1993 business building has been the main focus of his work-life. ‘No Fear’ is a coining term that has often been said about him.

​He has lived on three continents, facilitated organizational changes from management herarchy to self-organizing teams with shared leadership responsibilities. He has run a hotel business in a country he hardly knew plus initiated and co-founded a worldwide training in Compassionate Leadership

​Oliver has the ability to listen extremely deep and create a space for you to alchemize into your pure genius.

​As a pattern seer, he brings the focus from the occurrences and stories to the underlying patterns.

​As a trained engineer with a high IQ he focuses on extraordinary solutions. With the ability to see things in a holographic 360*360 perspective he brings into consideration the viewpoint of all stakeholders.