Life perspective
Wholeness and Creativity
103 Oppose the Narratives to be Whole
Question, question, question and oppose – why this is vital and essential to be ‘whole’. As the covid narrative is being pushed questioning is what will set us free. We rant on why we can no longer trust (should we have ever trusted!) what we see, read and hear from any external source. We explore about a whole new way of being empowered and sovereign. In other words we declutter the old to be ‘whole’.
102 Multidimensional Archaeology and the Human Spirit w. Karen Thornton
At Live the Impossible Show we are joined by multidimensional Archaeologist extraordinaire Karen Thornton author of She Walks: A Journey of the Human Spirit. We excavate into the power of the land, sacred sites and the ancient wisdom of humanity calling us into realignment for the new paradigm.
Karen shares some of her stories of exploration around the world and her Indiana Jones experiences in deep cave systems. She talks about the power of sound to heal and transform and how we can change the world one footprint at a time.
098 Navigate through the Tough Times w. Naia Louise
On Live the Impossible Show we are joined by Naia Louise an explorer and eternal student of this grand design of life. We chat about how to bypass the spiritual bypass and navigate through the tough times with breath and awarenessssssss as she describes her many types of journeys and explorations. She shares her tips and strategies and takes us through a short breathwork practice for instant relief.
101 Time to choose Slave or free?
On Live the Impossible Show we passionately express the urgency of making a choice to take action to stay enslaved or claim your freedom. You have a conscious choice to make. Are you willing to co-create the new future or you going to stay with your head in the sand? We share our reflections and visions of what is going on right now and why it’s a crucial time to break free.
100 The Playground for the Future w. Beate Heinkel & Ulrika Karlsson
At Live the Impossible Show celebration time woo hoo as we celebrate our 100th episode with the announcement of how you can also be part of the co-creation of a new nation and a future we all long to see. We are joined by Beate and Ullis who co-create WHOLYLAND with us. The place to be for conscious, heart centred leaders who want to make a difference in the world. Join the movement where we dare to be different…
099 From Micromanagement to Wholyland w. Oliver Silverhøj
Tora and Pam give Oliver a chance to share his story from micromanagement and chemical engineering to wholeness, alienness and Wholyland. We chat about Agenda 21, environmental issues, state control agenda and what the future could look like. We also talk about the irrational information and measures we are experiencing right now in the time of Corona. We also share our exciting new project to bring us together in leaderhood.
098 Navigate through the Tough Times w. Naia Louise
On Live the Impossible Show we are joined by Naia Louise an explorer and eternal student of this grand design of life. We chat about how to bypass the spiritual bypass and navigate through the tough times with breath and awarenessssssss as she describes her many types of journeys and explorations. She shares her tips and strategies and takes us through a short breathwork practice for instant relief.
097 Cosmic Reset Apocalypse!
At Live the Impossible Show we share our intuitive visions on what is going on, on the planet right now, and it may be more complicated, bigger and deeper than it appears. We share our view and arguments for what we believe is happening and could happen in the near future.
We see it as a Cosmic Reset Apocalypse – The conjunction of many cycles of life is here now. Oh ohh. But there is hope for a better future for all.
095 Do you feel Connected?
Do you feel Connected, disconnected or just parts of you and your life? We dive deep into why many often feel disconnected in different aspects of their lives, what it means and what we can do about it. Tora shares a great tool of life intelligence to provide a framework of connection and looking at life from different perspectives.
161 Quantum leap to a brighter future w. Mikael Säflund
Quantum leap to a brighter future with quantum physicist, author and speaker Mikael Säflund. We chat about transformation and more joyful beliefs in very fearful and harsh times. The almost total mind control is falling apart and we now have the opportunity to create the future we want. Mikael guides us through an experience with instant shifts with a simple tool. How has history corrupted us? Who are we? Why is our energy harvested? How can quantum physics change us?
162 Change the World with the Power of 8 w. Lynne McTaggart
Lynne McTaggart, award winning author and a central voice in the new consciousness movement chats on how we can Change the World with the Power of 8. We look into the keys to work with intention experiments and power of 8 groups. How can we heal and change our lives? What miracles happen when we co-create? What effect does the language of health care professionals have on patients? What power do words have? How do we tap into our innate power?